#8 | Michael Seum | Driving design leadership


โ€œDesign is not a function, itโ€™s a mindset. We have a design team, but everybody in the company should think like a designer: there is something that could be improved.โ€

Michael Seum on the impact and value of design.

This episode I talk with Michael Seum on design leadership and his career from in-house experiences in the USA and Italy to startup and consulting work at Minimal and Lunatik but also his roles afterwards in design leadership at Pepsi and most recently Grohe (P&G).

Michael gives important design advice for young talents when it comes to building up a career and some of the things he learned at different stations in his career. We also talk about the difference between a good designer and a good design leader.

Also, we touch on how to grow a design studio, how to drive design cultures and enlarging the impact of a team within a company. Further, we have the chance to learn how Michael involves other stakeholders in the process and his approach of gaining new design capabilities and responsibilities within a company - to drive positive change and impact for users and businesses through design.